Friday, June 3, 2011

June 3rd, 2011

There's not much to say about today or what's happening right now besides this awesome weather! I'm just waiting to clock in at work while I waste my time browsing social media sites. Hopefully, Mike mows the lawn today because he just sits on his ass all day now that school's out and the lawn better be perfect or i'm going to be pissed! We finally got our fence fixed from the culprit's who ran it over with their mustang. The story behind that mess happened when a couple driving a mustang approximately at 2 a.m. did a hit and run on my poor fence! The couple came over to my house the next day to tell us that the husband swerved the car to avoid hitting an animal and that they were very sorry. Obviously, the wife who shamelessly confessed her bogus lie to us was on drugs or something because that accident was not a "save the animals" movement. Which brings me to the point of my fence story, don't drink and drive AND lie about it. Drinking and driving is not the way to go and I don't tolerate it and if more people were aware of the dangers of drinking and driving maybe my fence/yard wouldn't have been a victim that night. I hope those people learned their lesson and will not harm people or objects ever again. Lying is just retarded, don't lie unless you can get away with it is my motto haha jk. Well, a helpful reminder to myself would be that drinking and driving could prevent me from seeing beautiful sunny days like right now because I always say to myself "I'm fine to drive" or "I didn't drink that much" but so could any tipsy driver behind the wheel. 

Being more cautious of my actions and learning from other people's mistakes.

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