Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Psycho For Teacher.

Ever since class started my thinking has broadened deeper thoughts and memories that have occurred now and throughout my lifetime. Psychology 3430: Theories of Personalities is the class I'm taking and Dr. Todd Baird is the instructor. What's interesting about this course is that we haven't been learning about personalities at all, well at least that's what I think. We actually have been studying to think like theorists by learning the structures of personality and how people develop their personalities either during early childhood, biological factors, change of time etc. I believe any person that's in the field or sub-field of Psychology is bananas in a unique way :). Not necessarily coo-coo, but slightly demented... and that goes for anyone who's curious to study those interesting fields. Psychology can never be understood or appreciated until a person understands themselves by having  consistent traits and characteristics that follow a them through adulthood. Slowly, but surely I'll find my self-actualization as I continue to grow and learn.
It was just this recent Tuesday when Dr. Baird shared an abnormal vibe in the classroom atmosphere. No way was he psychic, if he was he could totally quit his current job and make more money. He stated he could analyze someone and be somewhat accurate of his senses. He said:
"Someone in this room is experiencing a mild case of anxiety, is unsure of the direction in his or her life, suffering from post-traumatic stress from school and work, and is under social-ital pressure..."
Sounds like a general expression of what every person experiences throughout his of her life to me. Until he had the nerve to say the following
"This person is a female between the ages of 20 and 24, and is brunette."
He and I both knew he was talking about me, while the whole class looked carelessly and pondered. I acknowledged my notebook and pen to readily start lecture and to stop nonsense talk. Who the hell did he think he was besides my professor? He thinks he can analyze me and confront my young womanhood angst just like that huh? Or was it just my everyday life stressors getting the best of me? Maybe just assuming he was talking right to me? Whatever his motives were at the time, it got to me. It wasn't him confronting me, it was me confronting me by being aware of what was said to the whole class. Let's be honest stress and anxiety exist on all levels of human beings and apparently mine were both on a higher scale than normal that day and not because I'm some kind of school-work driven freak. It also could have been that I was sitting next to a really cute intelligent guy too ;) but that idea is going off topic and a blog entry on "Boys" will be in the near future for sure haha. What's funny about Dr. Baird is that he called me the night before class to tell me that the first day is cancelled (first day is usually syllabus day zzzzzz....) and he sounded way attractive over the phone and I had expectations of him being the "sexy professor" everyone wishes for haha. I even went as far as checking him out on his website! I'll admit I was totally creeping on my professor! I was so anxious I needed to know if he was hott or not. I even made a Facebook post about him! Good looking older man he was, until I saw all 5 foot 7 inches of him hahahaha. It's not that he's short, I'm just really tall for a girl and married men with children aren't my type to say the least. If it's not Dr. Baird's good looks, it must have been his powerful ways of getting his message across to those he thinks aren't listening, and to those who listened and comprehended.

1 comment:

  1. I had a teacher as perceptive as that for a class called Small Group Communication. We analyzed the dynamics of ourselves (the class) as a small group.
    He managed to make everyone in the class uncomfortable several times through the semester.
    And it was the best class I ever took.
