Monday, May 23, 2011

Workin' it!

I'm not sure if I have anything to look forward to after I graduate. Am I suppose to be applying for editing/writing positions yet? It would help if I actually applied for jobs in that area instead of just jobs that get me by. One day I am just going to spend a whole day exploring local newspaper and magazine positions (that way I know what I'm up against) and see how confident I am taking on such an adult role. I know my life will change soon again and it will take a lot of hard work to stay on- top of the upcoming tech. writing projects, but I still haven't read the last Harry Potter even though I went and saw part I in theaters. I didn't feel guilty at all about it, I liked the movie and frankly, i'll just go see part II next month. I have enough reading to do as it is and I need to stop fantasizing about how grown up Harry and Ron have gotten because I love nothing more than this mystery, thriller, romance series. Anyways, the job thing....Well at least I like my jobs "right now", it's hard to have a change with my work because I've always had it scheduled around my classes and it's been that way for three years. School before work, work before friends, friends before sleep. I could go on but i'd hate for anyone to feel sorry for me :) Luckily for me the only set schedule I have is at Jason's Deli, I always know when I work. As far as subbing and student recruiting, I only sub when a teacher has an absence or leave and most of the time it's a last minute notice, I've always made arranged time to work there, but the nice part about the SubFinder calling system is that I don't always have to answer their phone calls ;)

Another "work when needed" job is my student recruitment job at my school and basically I just make sure WSU alumni parents don't get greedy with the merchandise for their kids, just kidding! I like having the opportunity to meet people from events and expos by helping them get back to school and providing the best answers to their questions and/or concerns. I'm excited for that job to be picking up more in the summer then I don't even have to worry about subbing and waking up early in the morning, but I do have to worry about crazy teenage drivers! I think that constant worry will never go out of season. If I still had to do charter school lunches at Jason's Deli, I probably would have kept continuing to replace that job and thanks to Mark, the Gateway manager who thought it was unfair and cruel punishment to bag 185 1/2 cup and 1/4 cup carrots each, etc. every evening with NO PREP! Alright, over it.. My justice was served and i'm still there and eating....aaaand i'm still cooler than Krystal :) My hourly positions couldn't be more than perfect right now, I like what I do, I like that I can get school and homework done efficiently, so why do I need to change it? Even just applying for jobs takes a lot of work and most of the time it's always the interviews and not the job! WHY AM I WORRYING ABOUT THIS ON MY SUMMER VACATION? I will make a promise to myself that I will try my hardest and soberest to explore my career job market a few times throughout this summer and not overwhelm myself about starting my career because I still have two full semesters ahead of me and I know I always work best when i'm busy and under pressure. So cheers to summer 2011 as I absorb every minute and satisfaction necessary as my heart desires. I may not ever have the answers to things I can only answer myself, but I'll figure it out no matter how long it takes me. Living in the moment, not in the future because what a person does in the present determines their future and i'm not ready to grow up yet!

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